Exodus 20:19
And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but
let not God speak with us, lest we die.
It is hard to imagine the pain in the heart of God to know that His people would rather hear from Moses instead of Him. After all of the mighty works the Lord did for them, they did not want to hear His voice. Moses became the mediator between God and the people. This is very dangerous because the heart of man can easily be lifted with pride and assume the position of a deity before the people. This is disastrous, for in due time the people may confuse the word of a man and take it as if it were the word of God.
The attitude of many today is similar to the children of Israel during the time of Moses. People would rather hear a word from God through men instead of receiving a direct Word from the Lord for themselves. They have the same opportunity and privilege to come before His presence, yet they won’t approach Him. However, they would travel a great distance to hear a man of God rather than waiting on the Lord for themselves. Can you imagine how insulting this is to Jesus knowing that men have replaced Him as a mediator?
Jesus died on the cross so that we can have access to the presence of God. There is no justifiable reason to not come before His presence. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. According to their confession, fear is keeping many of them from coming to the Lord, but why are they so afraid?
Consider what happened to Adam and Eve after they sinned in the garden. God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. Sin caused them to be afraid of God. Because of their sin, they hid from His presence, and communication was severed. They sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness; they were no longer transparent in the sight of God. Due to the breakdown of communication with God, religious rituals thrive to compensate for the lack of relationship.
Everything is transparent in the sight of God. In His presence, sin is immediately exposed and conviction quickens the heart. Man would much rather hide his sin behind the fig leaves of religion. His hidden sin is the reason why he would rather hear from a man instead of coming to God for himself.
Brethren, if you sincerely desire to hear a Word from the Lord then you must come to God for yourself. If your relationship is broken, then come boldly before the throne of grace. Receive His mercy and restoration. The Lord desires to speak to you directly. He is walking in the cool of the day asking, Where art thou? Will you come and walk with Him? Will you come to talk to Him? Are you too busy listening to men? You must decide who you want to hear from.
Heb 4:16, Gen 3:9-10, Gen 3:7