Genesis 26:19
And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of springing water.
In the lowest and most difficult moments of your life, you must make a conscious decision to follow Christ no matter the cost. There are individual valleys that will challenge who you are and what you believe in. The sole purpose of each valley is to draw your heart closer to Christ. It is in the valley where your character will be defined.
Severe conditions require severe actions. Isaac's family, servants, and cattle were facing death in the valley due to the lack of water. They took matters into their own hands and dug the earth in search of water. Some were too weak and others perhaps too old to dig, nevertheless, the servants dug until they found living waters. It wasn't easy digging in the hot sun, yet it was essential for survival.
Today we face a similar situation, however, instead of being in the natural, the condition is spiritual. There is a drought in the land that has produced a feeble generation incapable of feeding themselves. As a result, many are hiding behind a spiritual mask in order to cover their backsliding condition. This is the evidence of a prayer-less people. The lack of prayer produces weakness and weakness leads to dependency.
God is faithful, for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. God desires that all be partakers of His goodness. I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing. When it rains upon the land it may fall on vast areas, yet the water will always find itself in the lowest places. Those that humbled themselves and prayed will gather according to their depth. The deeper the well, the greater the accumulation of rainwater. God is no respecter of persons. The rain will also fall on the prayer-less, however, due to the lack of prayer, the amount of rainwater collected will be minimal. No matter how much of God's showers of blessing fall on them it will only gather according to the depth of the well. In time the rain will stop and the heat will come to dry the land. The drought will return to the land and try every heart. Those that pray will experience God's faithfulness through seasons of drought and His provision will be an abundant supply. On the other hand, the rejection of prayer leads to an empty storehouse from where no man can draw. They will experience the drought with great difficulty and live a life of want. Today's provision is a result of yesterday's prayers. The lack of provision is a reflection of the lack of prayer. God is not to blame… ye have not, because ye ask not. Remember, God is faithful. You will reap from the seeds that you have sown.
Rivers of living water are found in the valleys of life. Valleys are God-given opportunities that you may taste and see that the Lord is good. However, like the servants of Isaac, you must labor in prayer in order to taste the living waters of God. Ask yourself this simple question: are you a servant or do you need to be served?
Mat 5:45, Ex 34:26, Act 10:34, James 4:2, Ps 34:8