Philippians 2:12
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling
A man that lived by the graveyard saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him. He was possessed by a demon named Legion, for there were many. When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? The moment he saw Jesus, the evil spirits within him were manifested.
The seven sons of Sceva were Jews who traveled about practicing exorcism. They tried to emulate Paul by using the name of Jesus to cast out demons. They met a man that was demon-possessed; the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? The spirit immediately recognized the authority that Jesus and Paul had. The sons of Sceva however, were so insignificant that their names were not even worthy of remembering. They were so powerless against him that they couldn’t even keep that spirit off of themselves. Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them.
According to the Scriptures, these evil spirits confessed and believed that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and so it is until this day. Although they acknowledged his lordship, they hate him as well as feared his name. These same spirits despise us; we are created in God’s image and are a constant reminder of Him. Christ came to redeem man, yet they are without redemption. The Redeemed will go to heaven, yet they will burn in hell for eternity. For these reasons, they retaliate with a fierce vengeance against God with the great deception.
Their end-game now is to deceive and take as many of us down to hell with them. In the last days, religious deception will be at its utmost peak and many will believe a false gospel, practice a false religion and follow a false christ. This is all they can do now and there is little time left to do it. This deception will be their greatest weapon against us. Evaluate for yourselves. They have all of the credentials to be ministers of a gospel. They confess, believe, and worship before a god. They know Jesus and Paul. They are cunning and skilled at twisting the Word of God. Their convincing messages lead multitudes to an altar to say a ritualistic prayer of salvation. Like Legion, he confesses, he believes and he falls to the ground, yet he is not saved. His words and actions seem sincere, but his unrepentant heart is far from God.
Jesus was asked a question, Lord, are there few that be saved? Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Paul said, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Paul’s words concerning salvation are not a rehearsed prayer. Jesus would not have died such a brutal and horrific death if salvation was just about repeating a prayer. It is just a small step, but salvation is much more than that. Brethren, do not be deceived. Be sure that your salvation is secure in Jesus for eternity is one breath away.
Mk 5:6, Lk 8:28, Act 19:15, Act 19:16, Lk 13:23-24, Phi 2:12
The truth is Salvation is a difficult and painful process. We need to regonize "self denial" will be a daily struggle. We have to face our weakness, our hidden sins, and understand just because we are saved, the struggle will not be gone. As a matter afact that struggle becomes more intense. Satan sees you have the mark of Christ, he will do what he can to get you of the narrow path and bring you onto the easier and more comfortable paved highway. It is a daily struggle some days, the joy of victory through Christ, others the misery of having failed in Christ, by giving into the "self".