Joshua 15:63
…As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out: but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day.
During ancient times, the people were called by their obvious traits, and cities were called by their reputations. One of the greatest enemies of Israel was a wicked people called the Jebusites. Making matters worse, the Jebusites dwelt among God's people.
As a Christian, it is disturbing to know that a Jebusite spirit can dwell in us, but they do. The first step in defeating this enemy is to face the reality that they do exist. Knowing the enemy's methods can help us recognize and defeat him.
The root word for Jebusite means to tread down or trample underfoot. The Jebusite's main purpose is to get us to forfeit our God-given destiny. The tactics of this wicked spirit are to wear us down by belittling us and tearing us down with their words. Those whose hearts have been infected by the Jebusite spirit have no hesitation to mock and put down others. Their words can be hurtful and devastating because they are spoken out of hatred and anger. They elevate themselves by trampling over others. They thrive on humiliating and making people feel inadequate. At times they can be insulting with their comments and rude with their sarcastic remarks. The Jebusite spirit is also known as the spirit of discouragement, and discouragement is the beginning of depression. It seeks to discourage our hearts and drain our strength until we become a prisoner in the chambers of depression. A Jebusite spirit is tremendously difficult to conquer simply because it dwells within us. Don't be alarmed if we defend it and protect it when it is exposed and challenged by others. We may even fight against those that are trying to liberate us from it. Keep in mind that we may not even realize that we are operating under this spirit because we are so accustomed to it. Remember that it's not just in us, but it's a part of us. Only by taking an honest look inwardly can we see traces of this evil spirit operating in our lives.
The children of Judah could not drive the Jebusite spirit out, therefore they adopted it by compromising. Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. Through Christ, we no longer have to accommodate this evil spirit. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Only by knowing and applying God's Word over our lives can this enemy be driven out. By loving Christ we can learn how to unconditionally love one another. The Jebusite spirit can be conquered through Christ's love.
The victims of the Jebusite spirit only need to look to the Scriptures for deliverance. Many of God's mighty men went through similar situations. Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage. Remember that your destiny is according to God's purpose and not theirs. David was greatly distressed; but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
Is 61:1, Jh 13:34, Jos 10:h25, 1 Sam 30:6