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Keep the Fire Burning #145

Act 28:3

And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a

viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

The apostle Paul gathered some sticks and brought them to the campsite to use for firewood. Camouflaged among the sticks was a venomous serpent waiting for its victim. Concealed by its natural surroundings, it was hard to detect, and no one noticed it. When the snake came near the fire, it instantly reacted and fastened itself on Paul’s hand. Consider this scenario: what if there was no fire in the camp and the sticks were to be used later? that meant there was a killer among them lurking and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Those are the enemies within, working covertly, hoping never to be exposed by the fire. Unchallenged, it will strike, spreading its venom and causing slow death through the process of deterioration. The poison will destroy everything in its path. Therefore, it is vital to keep the fire burning in every camp at all times to expose the enemy. Is not my word like a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

The serpent is a liar, and the father of lies, and deception is its venom. Our antidote against the poison is the written Word of God. Only by rightly dividing the word of truth can we have discernment and detect the deceptions of the devil. Hence, the truth will set us free, but only if the Word of God abides in us and is applied daily in our lives. The lies will come, but they will react to the truth. Keep in mind that Paul was bitten by the snake reacting to the heat, but no harm came to him.

In our journey through life, we’ll establish relationships with believers and non-believers. Disguised among them will be some snakes with hidden agendas and evil purposes. While some are obvious, others are subtler in their deceptions. These vipers can be hidden in places like friendships, relationships, co-workers, and even in ministries. God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. He gave us His written Word for our daily living. Therefore, each individual must meditate, study, memorize and know the Word of God.

Jesus said, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Why then are there some believers that are struggling through life while others are thriving? When the Word of God abides within us and is a priority in our lives, the people thrive. It’s the cure, and no matter how much the serpent bites, it won’t affect our lives. However, the opposite is also true for those that have been bitten, death is a slow process. It starts by neglecting the daily reading of the Word of God, and gradually things are taken away as the struggles increase. The Word of God is the only antidote against the poison. Without it, the people perish.

Jer 23:29, Jh 8:44, 2 Tim 2:15, Deu 4:24, Mat 6:33


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