Psalm 68:5
A father to the fatherless.
Around the world, there are many orphanages with abandoned children. Some are there due to misfortune in the family, and others are just unwanted by their parents. They all have similar questions deep within their hearts. Where are my parents, and did I do something wrong? Perhaps the most painful question of all is, does anyone love me? Day after day, they wait in the orphanage hoping for that special sponsor to adopt them.
Before any adoption, the sponsor has to be qualified by the orphanage committee. Afterward, they may choose a child according to their preference. In the orphanage, the children get excited when they see sponsors come to visit. They come looking, searching, and hoping to find that perfect child to adopt to fill their needs. Choosing can be difficult due to different nationalities, languages, and gender. Appearance plays a factor as the disabled or handicapped often are overlooked.
The sweetest word for an orphan to hear is you are adopted. By signing some documents, the question is finally answered: someone loves me. Unspeakable joy quickly fills the heart and the pain and sadness are of the past. The heart is instantly comforted as the fears of uncertainties are removed by love, peace, and security. Unfortunately, not every child will hear those words of affirmation. In time, the unadopted will age out and have to leave the orphanage. They waited long, but those beautiful words of adoption never came. Now they have to depart, but the question remains, does anyone love me?
Worldly love comes with conditions, and it can also be cruel. People must qualify or bring something beneficial before being passionately accepted. Often it is out of selfishness, selecting to love someone to fill one emptiness. Without Christ, the highest level of affection they know is the love that exists between parents and children or husband and wife. Earthly love can never compare with God’s love.
The love of God is agape, unmerited, and unconditional. God’s love led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to die on the cross for humanity. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Throughout eternity the cross is displayed as the symbol of His everlasting love. Before we were born, He forgave us, accepted us, and we were adopted by God the Father.
One of the greatest longings of the heart is to be loved unconditionally. However, without Christ it is impossible, for earthly love is conditional. if ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Rejected by the world and adopted by Christ. And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
Jh 3:16, Lk 23:34, Jh 15:19, 2Co 6:18